Today I’m going to start off with a look at the big picture. The next chart pretty much says it all.
is a fundamental reason why gold has been going up for 13 years. That
same fundamental is driving the cyclical bull markets in stocks.
For gold the fundamentals are
sustainable and that’s why the gold chart is rising almost parabolic
inter-spaced with normal corrections/consolidations along the way.
For stocks the fundamentals aren’t
sustainable. You can’t drive a true bull market in stocks by printing
money. It just creates bubbles and crashes. That’s why each one of these
bull markets is followed by a devastating bear market. It’s why the
stock market chart has gone nowhere in 13 years while gold has gone up,
up and away.
Until the fundamentals change this
pattern isn’t going to change. Pretty soon the stock market is going to
stagnate and start to drift sideways (followed by another bear market,
probably due to bottom in 2016). Pretty soon gold is going to generate
another C-wave leg up (followed by another sharp move down into the next
8 year cycle low, also due in 2016).
Did we bottom two days ago or not? I
don’t know. What I do believe is that the QE4 manipulation has basically
created a double B-wave bottom. As we saw last summer, B-wave bottoms
are frustrating SOB’s that whipsaw back and forth until everyone is
knocked off, or dizzy and ready to puke. Then they take off and leave
everyone behind.
think gold is in the process of breaking the manipulation but as we
have seen it’s been tough to get a sustainable trend going. That is the
hallmark of a B-wave bottom. Ultimately I think the manipulation just
stretched the precious metals markets much further to the downside than
would have occurred naturally, so once gold breaks free of this volatile
bottoming process the rally will be just as aggressive if not more so
than the rally out of the first B-wave low last summer.
As we saw last summer, B-waves can
churn to the point were it’s pretty difficult to determine correct cycle
counts. It appears to be happening again. Considering the current daily
cycle is left translated it should drop back below $1555 before
bottoming. That being said today’s move looks like the cycle low may
have come on Friday. I wouldn’t count on gold to give us a clear signal
in this environment though. So it’s anyone’s guess if we now have a
strange left translated daily cycle that bottomed above the prior low.
For those of you trying to hold on to positions during this mess let me put up two more charts.
On the gold chart you can see the level
that triggered a 99 and a 98 Blees rating on the COT report.
Historically that kind of extreme only occurs when price is at, or very
close to a final intermediate bottom.
You can also see that this price level generated an 88 million buying on weakness
day in GLD. Again this is almost always a sign that price is about as
low as it’s going to go. Let me emphasize I said price, not time. Just
because price has reached a level that halts the selling doesn’t
necessarily mean that a sustained rally will start immediately. As we
have seen the market may still have to chew up a significant amount of
time before it’s ready to take off.
In our case I think gold is waiting for the stock market to stagnate before hot money starts to flow back into the sector.
So we may have one more lower low to
endure before this is over, and we may not, but two years from now
traders will be knocking their head against the wall saying “all the
signs were there, why didn’t I buy?” Or; “Why didn’t I hold my Old Turkey position?”
bottom is going to be too complex to time perfectly, and even if it did
bottom on February 20th it’s already shown that it can still throw most
people off just by chopping back and forth for a month. Maybe that chop
has finally ended. Maybe the daily cycle is still going to make one
more trip below $1600. I’ll let others compete to see who can second
guess the next wiggle in the precious metal markets. All I can say is
that the signs are there. Save your head the abuse two years from now
and pay attention to them.
I can’t tell you how many talking heads I've watched in the media recently touting the strong dollar. Sometimes
I really wonder whether Homo sapiens are an intelligent life form.
Remember, this is the same species that created the Tulip mania … and the
tech, and real estate bubble.
Folks, in the real world it just isn't possible to have a strong dollar if you are counterfeiting 85 billion of
them a month. That’s just basic common sense, which seems to be an
extremely rare commodity in the world today.
Yes, markets can be irrational because
humans are driven by emotions. When something goes up or down for a
long period of time, our emotions invent reasons for why it’s happening.
We convince ourselves that a tulip bulb really is worth more than a
house. We justify skyrocketing housing prices far above average income
levels by inventing a fantasy that we are running out of land. Of course
no amount of fantasy means we can escape reality, just that the longer
the illusion extends the bigger the bubble grows before is pops. But
there is never any doubt it is going to pop.
There is one reason and one reason only
why the dollar index has the illusion of being strong (let’s face it, at
82 the dollar is hardly strong. In 2000 the dollar index was at 120).
dollar is strong lately because the yen, pound, euro and Canadian
dollar have all been dropping sharply into major intermediate and yearly
cycle lows.
is pushing the dollar index up. It doesn't mean the dollar is strong,
just that most of the currencies that the dollar index is measured
against are exceptionally weak at the moment. But that may be changing.
On Friday, the dollar broke down and
breached the intermediate trend line. This is often the first warning
sign that an intermediate cycle has topped.
the last daily cycle pivot is broken (lower low) it will almost
certainly confirm that the dollar has begun an intermediate decline.
is now extreme risk that the second daily cycle has topped on day 2.
That is one of, if not the most extreme left translations I can remember,
and is likely to lead to a very large decline over the duration of
this daily cycle. Keep in mind there should be another 2 or 3 daily
cycles down after this one before the final yearly cycle low sometime
in June or early July.
If the dollar daily cycle has topped on
day two, then the dollar is setting up to take a real beating over the
next couple of months. I’m afraid reality is about to return to the
dollar, and the consequences of printing a trillion dollars a year are
about to be begin.
Next I want to discuss another subject
that should be easily visible, but again a lack of basic common sense
prevents most people from seeing what’s right in front of them.
I’m talking about inflation. Now if you
believe the government's ridiculous CPI numbers, or the talking heads on
TV, you might come to the conclusion that printing 85 billion dollars a
month has no long term side effects. You would of course be 100% wrong.
It causes inflation. Money printing always has, and always will cause
inflation. This time is no different than any other time in history. I
can assure you that Bernanke hasn't been able to repeal the natural laws
of the universe. As a matter of fact, we have had massive inflation ever
since the bottom in 2009.
Because the Fed targets asset prices,
it tends to start in those areas that we don’t normally associate as
inflationary. Let’s face it, no one is really going to freak out about a
rising stock market, but that is the first sign of inflation. The Fed’s
liquidity has to land on something, and it usually starts in the stock
market first. Unfortunately it always eventually ends up in the
commodity markets.
Folks, no matter what anyone one tries
to tell you, it’s not possible to print 10+ trillion dollars and not get
inflation. The Fed would like the inflation to stay in the stock and
real estate markets, but as we all know it’s not possible to escape
reality, and the reality is that eventually that liquidity is going to
leak out of the stock market and real estate markets and find it’s way
into the commodity markets. It happened in 2008 and it’s going to happen
you can see in the long term chart above inflation began in the stock
market and real estate markets in the early 2000′s. It culminated in a
massive parabolic spike in commodity prices in the summer of 2008 that
destroyed the global economy and spiked oil to $147 a barrel, and gold
above $1000 an oz.
This time will be no different. We have
massive inflation in stocks, and even an echo bubble forming in the
real estate markets. Ultimately the story is going to end the same way
as it did in 2008, with a stagnating stock market, a second crash in the
housing market, and another parabolic move in commodities. It
absolutely will drive another C-wave advance in gold just like it did in
2008 and 2011. Only this time the move will be even bigger. As I've noted in several past reports, I’m confident that gold is forming a
midpoint consolidation in a very large T1 pattern that should ultimately
target about $3200-$3300 at the next C-wave top.
It doesn't matter whether sovereign
central banks impose short term manipulation or how irrational the short
term movements get, nothing is going to alter reality, and the reality
is that printing a trillion dollars a year is going to drive another
C-wave in gold’s secular bull market. End of story.
This is a sample of the weekend report. For a more detailed analysis of where I think currencies, stocks, oil and gold are headed I've made a one week trial subscription to the nightly newsletter available. Click on the link below.
$10.00 one week trial subscription.
While I suspect this is probably the
furthest thing from what most investors expect, I think the dollar index
is very close to forming another major top, and once it does it should
release oil, gold and the rest of the commodity index from their
extended corrections. Granted no one believed me when I called the major three year cycle low in the CRB last summer either.
As you can see in the next chart, as
soon as the dollar began to rally out of its last intermediate bottom,
commodities, including oil and gold, all began to move down into major
intermediate degree declines. For gold this has turned out to be one of
the most difficult yearly cycle lows of the entire bull market, other
than the eight year cycle low in 2008.
I know it doesn't seem like it but I
can assure you that the gold bull market is not dead. This is just a
very severe move into a yearly cycle low. Granted it is one that was
exacerbated by some short-term manipulation right after QE4, but still
just a normal cyclical decline that tends to occur most years in early
spring. Since this particular yearly cycle low has been so severe it
should act as the spring board for the next major leg up in the secular
gold bull market.

As we have seen in the gold market, a
move down into a yearly cycle low tends to be the most severe cyclical
decline. Now it is the dollar's turn to move down into a yearly cycle
low. Over the next 2-3 months we should see the dollar retest, and then
break through the 79 support zone. When it does I expect to see a
waterfall decline similar to what has transpired in the Japanese Yen and
the British pound recently.
This should drive the next leg up in
the CRB's rally out of its three year cycle low, and trigger the first
real inflationary surge, which I think will culminate in a massive spike
in commodity prices sometime in late 2014 or early 2015.

I also think the expected hard move down in the dollar will trigger a violent rally in the precious metals market.
Conversely as the move down into a
yearly cycle low tends to be the most severe, the rally out of a yearly
cycle low is often the most aggressive.
Considering the extreme oversold
technical, and sentiment levels in the precious metals market, we now
have the conditions necessary to power a violent rally, at least to test
the 2011 highs over the next 2-3 months. Once that test is complete we
should see gold break out to new highs on its way to an expected final T1 PATTERN C-wave top somewhere in the neighborhood of $3200.

Since currency cycles often turn on
the monthly employment report, I think there's a good chance that the
dollar index is going to put in its intermediate top either Thursday or
Friday. I think the odds are about 50/50 that gold has already completed
its yearly cycle low slightly ahead of the dollar on February 20, and
oil & the CRB may have formed final intermediate bottoms on Tuesday.
If not then they made wait for a final top in the dollar, although
usually commodities will sniff out a currency turn a few days early, and
gold often by a week or so.
Based on the COT reports, commercial
traders are already positioned for the next leg up in gold, and
institutional money has been entering the precious metals market in a
big way as evidenced by the buying on weakness numbers in GLD on February 28.
It shouldn't be long now before all of
the traders that have given up on the precious metals sector get
reminded that this is still a secular bull market. And secular bull
markets continue to rise until the fundamentals reverse.
In the 70s and 80s gold rallied until
Volcker reversed monetary policy 180° and raised interest rates to 20%.
Bernanke is still stuck in Keynesian monetary theory and is showing no
signs of reversing policy any time soon. Until Fed policy changes the
gold bull market will remain intact.