
Sunday, June 8, 2014


I'm going to restart the quest portfolio as I think the bear market (and probably the manipulation) in the precious metals has now come to an end. I'm going to extend a one time offer with a money back guarantee. If on the first trade we don't double our money I'll refund the purchase price of the subscription.
That's right your risk is only the amount of capital you place on the initial trade. Now here are the conditions for participation. The quest portfolio is going to start with an initial investment of $1000 with an investment goal of turning that $1000 into $100,000 over the course of the next 1-2 years. If you don't wish to risk $1000 you can always start smaller, but no one can use more than $1000 on the initial trade. With the performance guarantee your risk is only the amount you place on the first trade. If you risk the full $1000 that is your total risk as your subscription fee is guaranteed and will be refunded if the first trade doesn't at least double.
A strict limit of no more than $1000 for the initial trade is mandatory for several reasons. First, depending on how many people decide to partake in the quest portfolio I don't want to spike the options market. So we have to limit the initial trade to no more than $1000 for each trader. 
Second there is serious risk that the quest portfolio will not make it to $100,000 (although there's nothing stopping anyone from exiting at anytime you feel like you've made "enough") During the last Quest when the portfolio was up 1000% I advised everyone that it might not be a bad idea to take their profits at that point and walk away as I had a feeling the manipulation was going to return in the metals, and if it did it would be very hard to continue the winning streak. Needless to say that was a prophetic call, and those that took the money and ran turned a $300 initial investment into $3000.
If the first trade is a winner and we at least double the portfolio to $2000 then you can take your original investment and profits and exit at that point at break even if you desire.  If you decide to continue and see if we can reach the goal you should still remove your first $1000 and put it back in your pocket so that the purchase price of the subscription is paid for.
Next let me stress that this is not a strategy where one can go all in. There is going to be no risk control with the quest portfolio. We are either going to turn $1000 into $100,000 or the portfolio is going to go bust. It's up to you to remove your original investment once we are into profits and then decide how far you want to go. It's entirely possible that we could make it to $10,000 or even $50,000 and then go to 0 on the next trade. As long as you pulled your original investment out then you would have lost nothing (although it will be incredibly frustrating to get that close and then have to start all over. I can envision a lot of hair being pulled out if that where to occur.)
The price of admission to the quest portfolio is $1000. All AP subscribers will automatically get quest updates. 
All subscriptions have to be bought and paid for before the market opens on Monday as once the first trade is placed no more subscriptions will be sold. 
Trade alerts will be emailed and a text alert will be sent. If you aren’t going to be able to respond to a trade alert immediately during the day then you might not want to participate as it will be impossible to track the portfolio if you can’t place a trade immediately when it is signaled. 
Again let me reiterate that your total risk is the amount you place on the first trade which can not exceed $1000. Your $1000 subscription price is guaranteed and will be refunded if the first trade doesn't at least profit 100%. If you can not afford to risk $1000 on the first trade then either risk a smaller amount or don't participate in the quest. Let me stress again there will be no risk control with the quest. It is going to be an all or nothing strategy. This is not an acceptable strategy to risk your life savings on as the risk of loosing everything is too high. It is an acceptable strategy to risk $1000 or less on but that is the maximum. 
If you want to participate in the Quest email a request to me at and I will email you a payment link.
You must be able to buy call and put options if you are going to participate in the Quest.

The quest portfolio is now closed to new subscribers.


  1. Im unable to participate for this round but am going to follow your results. Good luck with the quest!

  2. This is exciting, for sure!

    I think I understand that my trade size, should I decide to participate, must NOT be larger than $1,000.

    What is a little less clear is my cost to participate in the offer. Does that also cost $1,000? And whatever the cost is, the cost to participate is refunded to me if the first trade does not earn at least a 100% return?

  3. Spy Trader - I think the offer states that the full $1,000 subscription price is refunded if the first trade does not double your trade investment. It's a bit confusing because the trade size is not to exceed $1,000 - which coincidentally is the same price as the subscription offer.

    The way I read this the most a guy could actually lose is the amount placed on the actual first trade - the $1,000 subscription fee is returned to you if the first trade does not double in value. You lose the 'up to $1,000' you used to buy the options BUT you get back the $1,000 subscription fee.

    No idea how long the first trade will be held but as their are options I would not think terribly long.

  4. OK - this could actually work because gold has probably completed its daily, intermediate and yearly cycle low just last week. Looks like a trade with high odds for success. I don't think it would work on the stock market though because the stock market has already gotten way WAY long in the tooth to the upside. Good Luck!

    1. Unless you buy puts via ETF US Indice investment vehicles but I would assume he's leaning towards Gold ETF related call options,

    2. yeah - puts on the stock market sounds good to me Michael. The only problem there is when to buy them. I know so many people who have had their head handed to them in recent months trying to short the stock market that it isn't funny. It may be a whole lot easier to time a bottom in gold than a top in stocks, in other words. As they say, we shall see.

    3. Hey Spy THE perfect storm??? Bottom in gold, a top in stocks, near all time high bullish sentiment and a 5 year low VIX nearing all time lows historically.

      Tell me about it still holding a "boat load" of SQQQ's!

  5. Hummm..... dollar index positive and gold positive. Very curious.

  6. Goldie - that the dollar index is strongly higher and gold is holding firm I would take as very bullish for gold. But geez, look at that S&P 500 go. Like one would think the stock market is cheap (lol). Probably just getting the bid from chasers who don't want to miss the stock market rocket before it explodes :-)


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